Do tongue cleaners work

do tongue cleaners work
Image : thechapblog
If it was the first time you ever heard of the word tongue cleaner, you probably going to have a little doubt whether tongue cleaner is actually a thing or it just some sort of gimmick that company made for a marketing purpose.

Tongue cleaning is not just a gimmick and tongue cleaner actually is one of the tools you’ll need to take a good care of your mouth. Just like brushing your teeth, cleaning your tongue also have a lot of benefits including reducing bad breath, read more about the benefits here.

How do tongue cleaner work
The concept is pretty simple; the bump on the tongue cleaner will scrape and remove the bacteria, food debris and that white coating on your tongue.

A lot of peoples use tongue scraper to scrape their tongue but for those who prefer to do it fancy, they use tongue brush with tongue cleaning gel to get the job done. However, even if you’re using a tongue brush, you’ll notice that the tongue brush too have this little bump which is use to scrape you tongue as you brush.

Shouldn’t you just use your toothbrush?
Toothbrush isn’t designed for tongue cleaning purpose but some peoples do use them to clean their tongue. However, using toothbrush to brush your tongue might spread the bacteria all over the tongue surface instead of removing them.

Is it worth it to purchase these tools?
Totally depend on the condition of your tongue. If you don’t think your tongue is that dirty or you don’t think you have a bad breath,  it probably enough to purchase a toothbrush that have a tongue scraper on it back and clean your tongue with that after you brush your teeth.

However, for a more proper tongue cleaning you might want to purchase a tongue scraper.

Tongue scraping benefits that you should know

tongue scraping benefits
Tongue scraping is beneficial to your dental health
If you never scape your tongue than you’re missing a lot. Just like brushing your teeth, tongue scraping is also good for your overall oral health. There are a few  tongue scraping benefits that you should know and in this post we’re going to list several of them.

Improve your sense of taste

You can enjoy your food better when your tongue is cleaned. Removing those bacteria and debris on your tongue will expose the taste bud over more causing you to be able to taste the food that you eat better.

Reduce bad breath
Scraping your tongue can help to remove food debris and bacteria on your tongue which will reduce bad breath. Brushing your tongue using a toothbrush is not enough, you’re going to need a tongue scraper to get your tongue cleaned effectively.

Better dental health
Most of the time, bacteria or food debris are not a good thing. Especially when they’re in your mouth, or tongue. Removing the bacteria and food debris will definitely lead to a lot better dental health.

Cleaning your tongue correctly play a major role in maintaining your overall dental health. By using the right technique and basic tools, you can improve the way you taste and the way your mouth smell.

If you’re not really sure how to clean your tongue, check out this articles for more info regarding how to do it.

The right tools can help to clean your tongue more effectively, check out this article for more info about the tools that you might going to need.

How to brush your tongue without gagging

How to brush your tongue without gagging
Gag reflex can be reduced
One of the main problem when it come to tongue cleaning is the gag reflex side effect. Some peoples face this problem almost every time they’re cleaning their tongue that is why you need to know how to brush your tongue without gagging.

The gag reflex is pretty normal and it should go away in time. However for those who find it really difficult to overcome this problem, here are a few tips for you.

Breath with your nose
One of the reason you’re experiencing the gag reflex is you’re trying to breath through your mouth. Breathing through your nose while cleaning your tongue might be able to reduce your gagging.

Take it easy
Of course you’re eager to remove that stain on your tongue but you’ll need to do it gently. Brushing too far inside your mouth might cause the gag reflex to occur. Other than that, you might also damage your taste bud if you’re brushing your tongue to hard. Try to brush gently and do not brush too far inside to prevent gagging.

Cleaning your tongue is not really that difficult if you know how to do it correctly. You can read more about how to clean your tongue in this post.

Extra tips : Use tools that’s created and designed to clean tongue
Using the right tools not only help to clean your tongue effectively but these tool can also help making tongue cleaning a much easier task. Find out more about tongue cleaning tool.

3 white tongue cleaning myth you should know

Don't listen to the myths
Getting a correct info about tongue cleaning is a must if you want to clean your tongue effectively. There are some wrong info being passed around about cleaning your tongue and in this articles we are going to bunk these myths.

Myth number 1
You need to scrape the tongue hard

Why is it wrong
When scraping your tongue, the most important thing to do is to make sure there are less gaps as possible between your tongue and the scraper. But this doesn’t mean you need to scrape your tongue viciously. Scarping your tongue too hard can actually damage your tongue.

Myth number 2
Scarping is enough to reduce bad breath

Why is it wrong
The bacteria that cause bad breath is breeding below the surface of that gunk on your tongue. After you successfully remove the gunk, you will need to kill the bacteria. You can do this by brushing your tongue and wash your mouth regularly.

Myth number 3
Complex and expensive gadget is needed to effectively clean your tongue

Why is it wrong
Just like many things in our life, it is better to have a fancy gadget to help getting the job done. But that doesn’t mean it is really necessary. All you really need to keep your tongue clean is a few simple equipments. Check out this post about tongue cleaning tool for more info.

What important is you make cleaning your tongue as a routine. Doing this can reduce bad breath and increase your ability to taste.